Halloween Marshmallow Web Cake
Steps involved
Make cake layers
Color the icing
Frost the cake
Chill cake
Add marshmallow webs
READ BEFORE CONTINUING: The following recipes are scaled to make the cake pictured above -- a 4 layer cake made with 6-inch round cake layers. If you wish to make a smaller cake, please scale down these recipes.
recipes used
1 - 1.5 batches Italian meringue buttercream
I made this buttercream chocolate flavored by adding Hershey's Special Dark Cocoa Powder - for more info see the Colors Used section below
* Also need marshmallows for the webs
Colors used
To get these colors, I used Wilton's Gel Icing Color in Black.*
For the cake layers:
No food coloring used. Optional: You can add black food coloring to the cake to make it extra dark, but I chose not to because it is already pretty close to black.
For the icing:
Black Icing: *for in depth instructions on how to get deep black icing, click here.
To find the tools I use for almost every cake I make and decorate (including pans, cake boards, icing smoothers, etc.), click here.
The supplies/tools below are specifically for decorating this cake, which I used in addition to the ones in the link above.*
1 or 2 Wilton Icing Color in black
*Some of these links may be affiliate. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I earn a small amount from some purchases, however, this does not affect my recommendations.
Decorating the cake
After the cake has been assembled and iced:
Place cake into the fridge until the icing is firm to the touch before continuing.
Add some marshmallows to a bowl and place in the microwave for a around 10 seconds.
Stir the marshamallows. If you can still see the shape of the marshmallows put them back into the microwave for a few more seconds.
Once the marshamllows are melted, let cool for a moment so they're cool enough to handle.
Grab a blob of melted marshmallows with your hand and pull it with your other hand to form a "web" between your hands and wrap around the cake. Continue wrapping stretched marshmallow around the cake in different directions until you like the look of the cake.
Slice and enjoy :)